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1 Dec

A leader leads and plays no favorites.

And, does not make close friends or special interest commitments.

He must be detached and must have a certain degree of hyper-vigilance with instincts and backing of like minded personnel that will tell him that which he may not like too hear.

That, are savvy like him to his business surroundings.

As well as outside ample sufficiency knowledge to the world’s trending’s.

As they say, “The top is a lonely place”.

And, that is the cost of being a leader for the people’s interest and businesses prosperity.


All, but 7 percent of media in this country is controlled by Hebrew’s.
So, I would distrust the self serving media of America as they are attempting to rule by confusion.

And, I am 66 year’s young and vote.  But, the Media would have you think that after 35 years of age you are not relevant !  But, we are as Maine’s average age is 43 years young ……