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BLAST FROM THE PAST: “Out of the box” .

2 Jul  Soule’, Lewiston, Maine – Thanks.

I am in hopes, that you all know that the greatest person in world history timeline is Mr.  Abraham Lincoln the 16 President of the United States.

You ask why?   Because, if he had not held the United States Union together Germany would have possibly conquered the known World.

His winning the Civil War allowed the United States to move forward in tact as a world fighting force. Thus, allowing all our energies to be placed in the effort to win the First ( I ) World War; and, the Second ( II ) World War.

For, if he had not contributed greatly in this endeavor and the Southern States had won their independence from the United States; the Northern States would have had to divert a lot of their resources, energies, manpower, and finances to watching our Southern border and their slave populations.

Through his actions and the actions of the brave Northern Armies of the United States; we were all the resources, manpower, energies, and finances to aid other nations through the lend; lease programs to Britain and the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic ( Russia ).

In conclusion, I will surmise that what we do in our daily lives; we do not fully realize the implication and effects they could have on the future of tomorrow.