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11 May
Published, 11 May 2019 by Mr. Charles Arthur Soule.

Two, (2) days ago in the early Spring morning Sun.

And, elderly gentlemen was seem proceeding down Main Street in Lewiston, Maine headed towards the center of town.

At, the time he was living in an elderly assisted housing unit on Main Street.

Some people I have spoken to stated that they though it strange that this older gentlemen was riding a bicycle not quite in control.

But, was doing so for a purpose if driven to by a higher power.

Editor´s note:

Above, was stated by a witness.

Later-in-the-day, they found the Gentlemen had died at the foot of his wife´s grave at a local Cemetery off Maine Street in Lewiston, Maine.

Some, say he died of a heart attack.

I, however think !

This gentlemen died of a ¨Broken Heart¨.

Editor´s note:

What is your love worth too other´s !

More, than you may think.

This, is a true story.

F/check: WCSH-6, State of Maine in the United State of America.

Yes, Ms. Diana M. Jack. This is the definition of Love.

Grandmother’s Wood Stove / Oven.

6 Jan

The room in which my father grew up in; in, the 1930’s with 12 other siblings and parent was of a 25 feet by 20 foot one floor structure.

This tiny house or home with small store attached was heated be a black wood cooking stove of about 4 foot in length with water heated tank on the wood burning left side and flat disk sitting on top that could be removed with a handle keyed lever to stoke the wood fire.

I can still remember of hearing that my father and his sibling’s would sleep on the front porch (6′ X 25′) in the Spring through Fall until it got to cold to sleep on the porch and then they would all move back into the tiny home.

My Grandmother and Grandfather being of French from Quebec, Canada decent would on my visit cook up a pot roast with potato’s, glazed carol’s, onion’s and beef that tasted out of this world.

So, with that in mind.  I remind you the reader, ” That, all you need to be happy is a safe place to sleep, meal a day and your health.  All else is extra.

Editor’s note:  Sleep well, eat well and be healthy for happiness.



30 Dec
Originally published, in December 2016.  Re-released in honor of the fallen Pittsburgh Jewish synagogue and all that fall in senceless acts.
The man at the Auburn, Maine’s Library, who’s body was so racked with twists bones and turns his body as to made his walk one of pivoting on heel of right foot.

By the look in his eye’s, one could tell that his spirit had endured much more than one could imagine.  This, I could witness through his personality and in his understanding of having outlived his family.  And most of his friends through discussions I had with him on occasions.

As, I gaze further into his life through conversation and watching his sparkling eyes glass over on occasion.  I then realized, that I was seeing that which had made up his life of sorrow and it saddened me to the near point of tears.

As we talk it was not long before we realized that though we were a generation apart.   That we had experienced a parallel timeline of family situation’s.

In that, he had suffered great losses similar to my mother of ninety – 90 years old young.

For that he had lost his mother and father with siblings through the horrific Belzec Concentration Camp in Poland.  Where the family had been transported by railroad from the Eastern Ashkenazic area of Europe and separated by non Jewish community dis-non involvement.

And, this occurring during the great catastrophic war of the Second World War (WWII).

Where as my mother had lost her young mother through early death in 1938 when my mother was eleven – 11 (1939) years old.

And, also father with siblings were separated through the economic devastation of the first 1930’s great depression.  As they were separated through Community involvement or church removing the children from my Grandfather’s care and placing her with brother and sisters in a segregated by age Catholic Orphanage in Brooklyn, New York in New York State …United States.

As, our conversation progressed and we realized the comparison of his family journey to some degree coinciding with my mother’s tragic family journey a bond was formed between us.

Continuing . . . . . . . . . .  to converse in our family’s tragic commonality. That, by the time we had end.

Both of us were made whole in families unity of commonality and struggle’s of our common earthly aged passed bonds.

Editor’s note:

The Individual is a daily visitor to the Auburn, Maine Library and was a highly accomplished architect in the Aurburn, Maine area of the State of Maine.
I do not get to the Auburn, Maine Library as often as I did.  But, when I do I seek this Individual out .  .  .  .  .  .  for, he has become as a relative and mentor to me.

Welcome, viewer from the Great Isle of the United Kingdom.  30 October 2018