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BLAST FROM THE PAST: My, letter to President Elect Donald J. Trump of 13 November 2016.

13 Nov

Editor´s note:  Too, think he has only been President for just under 2 years and has taken a lot from ¨ all ¨.

This was a received reply from President Elect Mr. Donald J. Trump in answer to my letter dated 13 November 2016 .

President Elect Reply as follows:

Thank you for your suggestions.  We are eager to begin work on behalf of all Americans to revitalize America’s economy, strengthen our nation’s position of leadership around the world, and create a more promising future for all.   With best wishes,_______ signed Donald J. Trump

*  The President Elect has the opportunity to be one of this Nation’s and World’s greatest Presidents much as President Washington, Lincoln and Roosevelt (FDR).

*  He has already started his legacy by suggesting the canceling of two (2); 2 billion dollar each, Boeing Air force one’s, getting Ford Motor to cancel planes to relocate manufacturing plant to Mexico and taking a $1.00 salary of a 400 thousand dollar salary while president.

His, willingness to realize a realignment as to monetary agreement with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – Europe, China and the rest of the World will bare fruit if give proper attention.   And, to Europe meeting it obligated financial agreement’s too prior monetary responsibilities as related to NATO.

His attempting to once again become an ally to the Russians and China is a proper response to a changing; more, problematic world.   As, World problems be come more intense as World population increases.

His referring to cancellation of the wet foot, dry foot policy as to Cuban is a correct move as Cuba realizes an attempt to move to a more democratic economy and alleviation of non vetted refugees.


Original letter: November 2016.

Sir, I am writing to you in an effort to ask you to consider people to your governing administration that have been marginalized by the somewhat; elitists, Maine Republican Party.

I attended the Maine Caucus with a sign advocating for “you”.   At, this elitists Maine Republican Caucus; I, was asked by the “elitist” running the open Maine Caucus to place my sign advocating ” TRUMP ” aside; and, she tucked it behind a partition.  But, on the arrival of other “TRUMPSTERS” with signs; I, retrieved it into the sun light.

Therefore, I would hope and respect what you would consider me; as, a potential person that maybe considered for a small position in your administration.

For, it would prove to the “outsiders” with above average education and military training with job experience that you did consider them; and, I respectfully request as a senior citizen an appointment to your administration.

I respectfully; request, your full attention to my request and if not me than someone in the same social economic demographic; as, I.


Mr. Charles Arthur Soule, 135 Bartlett Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240.

*NOTE:  For, the measure of a person’s intelligence.   Is, not governed by the clothing they wear.