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SOULE:7:21:18: SERMON and MESSAGE: It is often said, “That the “WIND” does not bend for the “TREE”. And that the “TREE” bends for the “WIND”. And, that river of “Wind” will be the “Youth of America” rising up to be that “River of Wind”.

23 Jul

I have journeyed in the kingdom´s of my youth to foreign lands and after my journeying return home to find a cold narrowing vision of the once grand world encompassing vision of America that once lay in my mind of the future for the United States of America as a youth in Androscoggin Valley, Maine of the early 1970´s.

Today, that view at 66 years young has become clouded in hypocrisy, greed, envy and jealousy and rumor as the youth of America see and know that their lives are through before it has even got started.


But, a change is being carried on the “Winds” where hiding behind their camera phone’s  and man made fortresses will not save them.


Fore, they are just biding their time behind their bullet proof glass waiting for the striking of the “Wind”.



And, they the so called miscreants of their perverse society will rise up to deal the blow as if a harsh cold January wind that blows against the trees of the forest.


Making them the “Tree’s” bend to the new order of the “River of wind the American Youth” and the new cold winds that will blow from years of mistreatment from the perverse.



And, this will make them that are behind their camera fortress and bullet proof glass. Bend to the “New River of the “Wind” what will wash them all a way that have distorted the righteous United States of America.

Fore, their own way´s.