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Sex trafficked! Here are you my Nation’s child!

28 Feb


Originally Published on 28 February 2019 by Mr. Charles Arthur Soule’

Down in the Drugged excrement bowels of the small city of Lewiston, Maine in the United States of America.

Where people have become self-absorbed.

Where life has taken on an emaciated struggle and while all is for once self.

And where they are the drugged-out miscreants; having no will of their own but to use everything and all things drugs.

It seems as if the Police Department, does not care or is not the keeper of their fellow woman / man or other lives that could be touched by them these injection needles with tracks to their neck from their arms or possibly fingers.

Thus, these emaciated individuals who are craving drugs now rule their days as others officially look away.

And, their flesh has become cheap.

For, not even too preserved life will police make a difference!

Nor, will they intercede, interact, or intervene to save others from the drugs or so-called disease which includes sex trafficking.

Thus, they will not intervene even to save a life that has been seen in need; that might someday save their life in return, deed.

The pail staggering figure, hollowed, near starvation and death’s door individual which

I have seen it but just yesterday morning/noon and night.

But still no individuals!   Would come down into the drugged-out excrement bowel of the city and come forth to save the little prince’s queen; a community child.

For, all have a “scheme” of things for them.  That we have not seen.

Editor’s note:

The above was the writing for the last generation of Lewiston, Maine police officers.

Today’s Lewiston, Maine police force is not like the above prior generation of Lewiston, Maine police officers for they are truly concerned individuals.

They may have friends, relatives, or loved ones in a cycle of drug despair.

31 August 2023 – Was out last night and I witnessed the affectiveness of the police force in Lewiston, Maine.

3 young children were roaming the street at 2 ish in the morning hours …….why?

And, that is what the police asked them.

I would like to thank the Individual private citizen that has placed an outside camera that is filming with audio the corner of Pierce and Pine Street, Lewiston, Maine.

6 May

I also have audio of the King Pin threatening me with bodily harm.   An this because I did not use this full name.   But, that was a warning !   And, if he / they keep it up I will use their full names.

Looking, for Military persons as I am.   Too come out and aid me in my efforts.

Go,to this web site and in search engine at top.  Type in, ” I have been given a title”  contact me.


There, is no expectation of privacy in a public way.   As, it is not expected if you are in view of the entire public.

Safety is a concern in Lewiston, Maine as they once pistol wiped a store owner.

Welcome views from;  China,  Vietnam,  European Union and Germany.

TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT “Stop” ALL “MARIJUANA” SALES IN THE UNITED STATES. Maine, Governor “Veto” pot as a recreational path to harder drug’s.

5 Jan

To make money by selling Drug’s just to have sales that pay taxes; at the expense of our young adults!     Should and could start Vigilante groups.

Then, there is the fact that this could lead to increase cost to Medicare or Maine Care (expansion ?) due to drugged out society.

So, Mr. Jeff Session, Attorney General of the United States get your finger’s out of your face and enforce FEDERAL Law over state law.


If the country wants recreational drug make it a Constitutional state vote.

Like the “Volstead Act”.  Which, established, Prohibition Act and 18th Amendment.

Let, the Nation decide and not just a few States for tax purposes.  Like, Maine, Colorado and 7 other states with the District of Columbia.


4 Jan

Too, my Muse?   When, we are through this ordeal. I hope the the Creator will see that you and I are we.

Editor´s note:

Welcome, new viewer from Saudi Arabia .


Update 23 November 2019. And, this is due to Opiate Epidemic and Prostitution! LEWISTON, MAINE’S and State of Maine, “HIV, Hep B, C” and Gonorrhea “EPIDEMIC”..

3 Aug

Published, first in 18 March 2017 and second on 23 November 2019 by Mr. Charles Arthur Soule’ and now up-held by the Maine Department of “CIC” as of April 2019.

Do, to the past and on going lack of policing in the 24 hour cycle in the “RED ZONE” of Lewiston, Maine.   And, as police stating Drug Issues are being handled by the Western Maine Task Force of the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency.

 And, they the Lewiston, Maine Police have been asked to ease from enforcement of Federal and States law’s regarding drug running position and implements (needles, glass stems and other items associated with drugs.) do to lack of jail space at the local facility.

Thus, “HIV” epidemic is an ever growing problem in the Lewiston, Maine area.

As, ladies of the night are allow to gather and perform their duty wright in front of the police officers.

How, ever it may be that some older officer are not getting involved do to.   Same old, same old.

While, younger officer are not as aware as to who the prostitutes are like the older more officers and have not been schooled to the facts to known.

And, while, the highly acclaimed Community Base Policing headed by one highly acclaimed Officer Joseph Philippon of the Lewiston, Maine Police Department are under manned.

One, would suspect that by now they would know all participating “Ladies of the Night and where they are getting their drugs.

Editor’s Note:

In another issue !   The Lewiston, Maine Police, “NO” longer have to report “Child Endangerment” to the Official State of Maine Agencies handling the issue.

On any contact with children being in danger. As, stated in my interview at the Lewiston, Maine Police Department they tell you to call a phone number.

Editor’s note:

The Lewiston, Maine Police should have a registry as to all convicted Drug Dealer by now.  .. …. but, I bet, they do not.
And, the Police should realize that once a Dealer of Drugs.  Always, check up on the activities of individuals that are convicted of crime as they do not quite.
And you are not “stupid enough”, to thing they have ….. or ….. are you !