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💯 – ” THE WISHING TREE ” : of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and now upcoming 2024.

20 Dec
Originally published, in December 2015 when the first wishing tree appeared.

We were all separated by religion and languages. But, not by dreams and wishes for a better future.

I have been hanging out on occasion at the Trinity Episcopal Church in Lewiston, Maine for more years than I care to mention (1993).

For, that fact I have become one of the oldest members of this living church.

Well, I regress and will get back on point now.

There are two organizations operating out of the Trinity Episcopal Church in Lewiston, Maine.

One is the on-your-knees prayer church. And the other is the Trinity Jubilee Center soup bowl lunch program.

The two programs were created due to Federal limitations placed on the church as to financing.

Since, the community needs services are of a mix of social, ethnic, financial, and religious backgrounds we were troubled as to whether we should put up a Christmas Tree.

Pondering the question and wanting people to take part in the spirit of the Season.

I fronted the idea that we should call the tree a “Wishing Tree” so that people could take part in the spirit of the meaning of the season without; offending anyone’s religion or customs.

So, I asked the assorted community by association to bring in a decoration or item that they could hang from the “Wishing Tree”.

And, that they could make a wish for a better “New Year” by hanging the item.

The start was slow as we did not think that the idea would catch on.

But, after a week or so. The tree is overflowing with the unified wishes of a social, ethical, financial, and religious community.

Editor´s Note:

It was pleasant to see individuals from the Republic of the Congo, Somalia, America, Chad, Angola, Djibouti, and other African Nation´s having their picture taken in front of the “Wishing Tree”.

Thanks for asking. The 2015 decorations were colored bows, bells, garlands, little dolls, homemade candy canes made of aluminum wrappings, real candy canes, and all one-colored white lighting.

SPECIAL, NOTE OF THANKS: Director Erin, Associate Director Scott, and a Special “Chef” Head Cook and friend “Eddie”.

This, 2016 – 2022 tree is now placed @ 135 Bartlett Street, Lewiston, Maine where I live due to needs.

And, is a composition of two trees this 2018 year.

It is decorated with a silver star a-top, red and blue 3¨ diameter ornaments with blue ribbon in a ¨V¨ pattern and adorned with large purple bowed ribbon hanging from it and blue ribbon as Christmas tinsel.

With squirrels and pigeons sometimes embedded in it and a fresh coating of snowfall. It actually looks quite striking. I might say.

Added, 25 December 2018 at 1:15 am. I was walking my girlfriend to her car and noticed that the tree had disappeared. But, this I did not care about. For, I had told the neighborhood that if any needed it. They could help themselves.

So, with that said. I would like to thank the individual for waiting too the latest minute to secure the ¨Wishing Tree” and perhaps making a child´s dream come true.

MAY, the ¨Creator¨ grant you everything you ¨need¨ for Christmas and the New Year. “Amen”


9 Nov

I turn 66 years old on 05 March 2019.

I am hearing and seeing large crowds of liberal protesters gathering at town hall meeting for Media coverage and in front of government buildings asking government employees (Comey) to aid them in regards to their agenda and subvert the will of democracy.

In other words they want to use your paid government or ex employees employees (Comey) against us.  They want to take the democracy out of the peoples hand what was legal won through lie and through media pressure.

They want to take away your liberties to pursue their agenda, dreams and live their lives over you.  And, then want to enslave you the taxpayer’s of the United States of America to provide free medical care, open boarder migration, free college education to illegals and allow illegals to vote in our elections.

They also want to force people to pay what ever salary that they demand with no regards to the effect on the infirm and elderly of this nation.

They have no regards to justice; condemn the police as guilty without trial; and, while demanding justice for themselves when they need it.

They love to call out, “hate speech”; calling anyone who disagrees with them as bigot (s) or homophobic; just, for speaking to a legitimate issue which the media places under a microscope looking for any direction to bastardize the issue (s).

I would also wish to mention; that, most of these liberal groups are financed by your dollars and radical right wing groups.  An, this is accomplished by your government tax dollars through government grands and your donation to other particular organization not-for-profit which than redirects your donation to another cause.

Their diversionary liberal power (s) come from dividing the America truly democratic population of the United States with the media coverage and staging events to gain Media attention while peaceful opposing view individuals abide by the laws of this country and oppose a position by ballot box.

They are spoiled, over educated, manipulative immature children that do not appreciate the suffering of the generation that came before them or the sacrifices made by the previous generation who fought for this counties successes.

Foot note:

All U need 2 be happy is a safe place to sleep, a meal a day and your health too be happy.   Everything, else is extra. 

Path to Citizenship, after thorough security clearances and vetting. First, published in 2013 by the American Nationalist Independent People’s Party by Mr. Charles Arthur Soule’. And, a second generation United States Citizen !

13 Aug



My views on Illegal Aliens and undocumented immigrants and the road to citizenship to the United States of America.

On, this I propose a course of action I now outline:

Illegal immigrants; without, 14 United States Amendment children and young adults schooled in this country shall be deported for violation of our territorial boarders.

I now with a  higher calling promulgate the following to you the great American public for your deliberations, review and input.

1.  All Undocumented peoples and illegal Aliens shall have the right of citizenry of the United States of America if they have United States born children under the 14 Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America upon the participation; and, completion of a program of legalized acquisition of a job for 10 consecutive years (review able) and does not necessarily have to be with the same hiring institution .

2.  Legalized job holding does have to be in consecutive years order; unless, medical or court approved exemption is granted; or, extension is granted.

(Federal Courts shall decide the questionable action of the merit and shall be at no cost to the Federal Government for Legal Counsel or court cost.)

3.  All Federal Income Taxes; and, State Income Taxes will be forfeited to the Federal and State where employment occurs for that period of 7 consecutive years; and, citizen seeker will be allowed to claim one (1) dependent and no earned income credits.  These monies will be used to facilitate the documentation process, legalization or medical expenditures while being process; and, help off set any other expenditures borne by the Federal and State’s documentation process.

4.  Any, Undocumented Immigrants; or, Illegal Aliens with United States Constitution, 14 Amendment children and applying;  for, citizenship Program; upon, completion of tour of duty in the United States Military Service and upon qualifying for an Honorable Discharge from any United States Armed Forces Branch of the United States of America; shall, have immediate Citizenship to these United States of America.  Enlistment to be of a duration of six (6) years, which will consist of four (4) years active duty honorable service to the United States of America and two (2) years as a reservist in that active duty reserve branch of military and no State of Federal Income Tax will be withheld for the period of active duty United States Military Service.

5.  All children; of, said Undocumented Immigrants; born in the United States shall have full acceptance into American Schools and Medical Programs.

6.  Illegal Aliens with no felony criminal record; with United States born children under the 14 Amendment to the Constitution of the United Sates of America; shall, full have access to all United States of America School’s and Medical Program’s.

7.  All documented Immigrants; and, legal Aliens; non-citizen children shall be immediately afforded the opportunity of citizenship of the United States of America upon passing an examination to be administer and institutionally orchestrated by their prospected State certified Department of Education; Elementary School and High School (K1-K12).  If not qualified in Elementary School, High School or College for Citizenship under the Citizenship Program; and, 21 years of age to the Citizenry Programs eligibility criteria will apply or be deported to country of origin.

8.  All 21 year old that have not attained citizenship shall have the opportunity of participating in the same Citizenry Program that was levied upon their immigrant descendants; and, will be offered the same qualifying requirements as was offered the other people of Undocumented Immigrant Status and Illegal Aliens Status at age twenty-one (21), completion of college or equivalent or attainment of full time employment or deported.

9.  No United States; State institutions, shall be granted any authority to abrogate or pass laws to restrict any prevision once passed into United States legalized Statues.

10.  Any felonious law breaking incurred while in the parameters of seeking citizenry; while executing the requirements of Undocumented Immigrants or Illegal Aliens to acquire full citizenry to the United States of America will lead to full; deportation or imprisonment then deportation of Undocumented Immigrant or Illegal Aliens that are participants in the Citizenry Program.

11.  On, accepting Citizenship of the United States of America; all groups shall be given the option to hold one countries citizenship passport; and, no other passport under the threat of deportation.  All groups; shall, surrender their previous countries documentation (Passport) and shall from that point on not be allowed to be considered a citizen of that original origin country; and, if caught using their any origin country passport; they, will surrender their rights to be a United States of America Citizen and returned to origin country.   And, this includes Israel and all other countries; as of the date they are sworn in as United State’s Citizens and passage of this Programs date of acceptance by the Governing bodies of the United States of America.

12..  No new citizen under the Citizenry Program of the United States of America; shall hold dual citizenship with any other nation and the penalty for such behavior will be immediately deported without American Judicial review.

13.  All dual passport citizen of any nation; with a United States Citizen Passport;  shall forfeited it origin passport book; on, acceptance of a United State’s Citizenship.

Should, I have have made an error; I am not omnipotent and all knowing. I encourage you; the, reader to assist me. _________________________________________________________________

To you new immigrants of the emerging new demographic United States of America.   I, wish to remind you that you are not the first to be granted a path to full Citizenship.

On, my mother side of the family; we came over on the Mayflower Ship; year 1615 (George Edward Soule) as indentured servants to the Colony for Seven (7) to fifteen (15) years. The Black community come over as slaves and waited years; to be full citizens and in some area of the united States are still struggling to achieve it fully.

So to you new perspective American; do not, think your path to citizenship is more difficult; as, to the past struggles of the fore runner to a Path to Citizenship of the United States of America.

I would like to thank Mohamed A. Ibrahim of the Trinity Episcopal Church for our decisions; which, led to the aforementioned; which, led to our discussion on that other prior immigrants; had, to endure.

THIS IS “MY” POINT OF VIEW! Click, on anything red.

22 Jun

Lewiston, Maine is going to be constructing a new K1 through K8 School for a price of around $50 million dollars.`

Since, the new school is partly paid for by the Citizens of Lewiston, Maine it would greatly benefit the City to have local contractor, Sheet rocker, painter, Masonry brick layers, electrical, Fabrication Metal worker (ducts), excavators, and steel rod buster be from Lewiston, Maine. And, be from either Lewiston or the State of Maine where possible.

Lewiston, Maine, has the highest poverty levels for a one mile area radius; in all of New England.

Maine has one of the fastest, aging population in the United States of America with an average age of 43. Therefore, Lewiston, Maine with its new immigrants work force (woman + men) is one of the youngest cities in the State of Maine. And, maybe only second to Portland, Maine.

It would be beneficial for the State of Maine and Lewiston, Maine to look carefully to who the contractor will be in advance and attempt to secure the new labor force workers from it pool of manpower. Even, at the cost of subsidizing through their General Assistance Workforce by providing a period of payment to the companies up to 1/3 of what it cost the city now to house the Cities General Assistance recipients.

It, is my thought process that this would be beneficial to the recipient of General Assistance and others Lewiston people (1/3 of what is now paid out by the city of Lewiston through General Assistance would be used to gain full employment status.), the City of Lewiston, Maine, the State of Maine and the Contractor’s of the New K1-K8 school.

I am not all knowing and any assistance from the Maine Business World and peoples of Maine are welcome.


17 Mar

So, you want to know how tough it is for the new legal immigrants in Maine ?

Well, put on your winter clothing (do not forget Long johns.); and move to African tropical climates with that clothing on your back.

Now, remember though you are legally here you do not speak; know the language, know the area, customs, money exchange, have a place to go home to; or,  know the streets.

You know few people; of the area and have never lived in a tropical climate temperatures that reaches 120 degrees by noon.

Where would you go; who would you complain to the police, government officials who would you trust you are an outsider.

And, just suppose your official documentation is incomplete by over site after you have liquidated your assets.

I bet you feel great !   Oh, you don’t.  Sorry, you are there.


The new immigrants come to a 4 seasonal year; with Winters that get to minus  -10 degrees; which is 105 degrees cooler than they are use to.

And, are not accustom to the art of three (3) layer dressing in the Winter or long johns.

They must learn to keep a monetary budget so they do not get evicted in the winter, shovel out the driveway snow before going to work and learn to keep an auto from freezing in Winter or over heating in Summer, change tires, drive in Snow after they learn how to drive and become accustom to keeping a hourly job.

Then or if their auto breaks down they must rely on strangers to help for they can not call on family or friends as their friend no little about autos and can not help if they miscalculate on the monthly budget and can not pay the rent.

They also are reluctant to call police officer or government officials or landlords from fear of retaliation or causing problems.  This includes; not knowing how to operate stoves, thermostats in their apartments, change lighting bulb or where to place the trash.

And, what if your official documentation is not incorrect by over site after selling all you own ?

ARE, YOU GETTING HOT UNDER YOU COLLAR !  Well, remember you are legally in the African tropical climate of 120 degrees by noon and dressed in Winter clothing and you don’t even have a place to live in; yet.

” IT IS ONLY THE DEMOCRATS; THAT CALL ME RACIST ! ” But, then again; I am a “Republican”.

14 Feb

To, the new immigrant population in Lewiston, Maine; from the African countries of the Republic of Congo and the Portuguese colonies country of Angola; I am call “papa” (out of respect …

Source: ” IT IS ONLY THE DEMOCRATS; THAT CALL ME RACIST ! ” But, then again; I am a “Republican”.


6 Feb

I fell in love with you; even, before you were born.

And, even before your little toes, hands and little smile.

Then; when, your little smile appeared; I, was hooked for good for you were mine and your mother’s creation of love.

Up-Date: RACIST! “Me”.

5 Aug
1st, publication 5 February 2015.

It is only the People that do not visit my neighbor’s.  That, call me “Racist”.

To, the new immigrant population in Lewiston, Maine; from the African countries of the Republic of Congo, the Portuguese colonies country of Angola and Somalia.

 I am call “papa” out of respect  as I am 66 years young old at time of writing this by the Congolese.

29 July 2021 – Update,: A child at time remembered me and remembered doing this. The, Somalian Children chant my name out of respect for helping them and with there parents flock to me for my hugs.

The people from Angola call me “there Father as I call them “Son” and advise them on issues of today fractured America.   And, the affect of judicial Action on the Visa with citizenship affects.

And, I especially advise them on the effects of getting an American woman to be with child.  (Child support for life and government enforced.)

And, I speak a little Somalian, French, Spanish which is similar to Portuguese as it is part of my life’s learning process while showing respect for their Culture..

29 Julu 2021, I was noticed by a then child now 14 who was part of the child that chanted my name. The Somalian children chant my name, “magacaygu waa”, Chuck – “magacaygu waa”, Chuck” as they sit looking at me from across the street and this fills my heart with joy as they are paying me respect out of me being nice to them.

Most, of the children are from 2 to 8 year’s old.  And, I attempt to show them that not all white’s of Lewiston, Maine dislike them.  For, we do not want to have them thinking that they are hated.  As, this would wound them throughout their live’s.

And, besides that, “What you sow, you reap”.

Other, children of my neighborhood call me their “STREET GRANDFATHER” and once again, I am Humbled.

The reason they do this is that I attempt to speaking their language and am showing love with respect for their culture by attempting to learn their language.   As, well through my aiding them in Snow Issue’s (battery boost, pushing car) police issues, aiding them with clothing, changing their light bulbs, showing them how to use a stove, blown fuse changing, giving them shoes and aiding in issues that they do not fully comprehend.  As, they are my neighbor’s and I live among them.

And for most of the children of the immigrant’s.   I represent the people of United States of America.  And one that is not taking out all issues upon them.  “For, what you sow you shall reap.”   For, if this is hate or belittlement towards them.   They, shall return the hate toward the United States of America and it’s peoples for perceived wrongs done to them year before. 

They, are quite amused when I ask their name in their Immigrant National languages.   And thank them in their native tongue’s.  Usually, just the look on their faces is much of astonishment.

And they ask me in English.  How, do you know their language?

And, having fun with them.  I reply, I am a white Somalian or Angolan or Congolese and they reply “No your not”.

To which. “I reply why not.   Are, you not a Somali – Portuguese – Congonlese or Angolan,  “American”.    He, he he

I have eaten at my neighborhood functions being the only Caucasian in attendance.   Been invited to their soccer games and played street hockey with my good neighbors children of 15 year or better.  

So, if this makes me a racist then what are you ?

It is easy to call yourself a friend of the Community of Immigrants and then go home to your racially balanced neighborhood homes.   Because, you are paid to service them or receive federal monies as pay to care for them.  

And totally another thing, to live as a minority in an ever growing community of immigrants where my services are freely given.

But, I am a sower or good deed seeds.   And, these new immigrants respect me and protect me as I walk among them more afraid of the white thugs in the neighborhood then them.

Remember, they are living in extreme poverty with no furnishings beds, tables, chairs and the basic for the most part.

And, then again starting over in a country with foreign ways and freezing snow.

I, living and remembering that all you need.  Is a save place to sleep, meal a day and your health to be happy.

For, all else is extra.

And, we as United States of American citizen’s should be glade that there are no bombs going off all around us or extreme violence being portrayed upon us.

Editor’s Note:

I tell them that Lewiston, Maine does not dislike the immigrants (them) nor is it racial. However, the cost incurred to the elderly, 1100 property owners and businesses taxes go up as a result of new schools, new language teacher and federal subsidization of rents that dislocate other less financially able and they worry about this. 

To, talk to an issues does not make you a raciest.

I have also learned the several languages of my neighbor’s ……more than I can say about the police department.