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31 Jul


9 Mar

It shall be the policy that the Sophie House which a Drug rehabilitation facility in Lewiston, Maine on corner of Bate’s Street and Walnut Street.

Will be renting room’s for $1000.00 a month to non Rehabilitation renters.

And, all you have to do is qualify for a Section 8 Voucher which is an assisted Federal rental program.

And, the City of Lewiston, Maine shall set up an account through the Federal Community Development Block Grand monies to assist in running.

Also, provided is funding through the Lewiston, Maine through the Federal Government Program, Community Development Block Grant funding.

Rehabilitation Section will allow for entrance of any person wishing too help themselves to rid their lives of drugs and prostitution.

And, shall allow their entrance into the Lewiston Community Sophie House – Center for Wisdom’s Women.

A rehabilitation facility in Lewiston, Maine.

Editor’s Note:

There, shall be no higher priority than the safety of our youth.



28 Jan

To all you Media pundit’s (MPR) that state that the United States Constitution does not allow for the President’s use of Military on the boarder or to build a Wall?

Than. what was President Nixon and Governor of Ohio doing using the National Guard in Ohio.  On, the Kent State University student’s on 4 May 1970 where 4 student were shoot to death.

Than, why when the then, Governor George Wallace of Alabama on 11 January of 1963 refused to allow Black’s to inter the University of Alabama campus building to attend classes a Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Did the then, President John F, Kennedy use Federal troops to enforce the ruling of the United States Supreme Court’s  on desegregation of all schools.

Also, in 1932, Bonus Army Protest.

1957 Arkansas

1963 – Montgomery. Alabama

1970 – U. S. Postal Strike

2010 – U. S. – Mexican Border

Editor’s note:

I have lived through all this at age 66 years young.

For, all you young people that do not know the past.   And, therefore can not appreciate it’s struggles.

Lewiston, Maine it’s official !

9 Apr

Lewiston, Maine School System and still growing to become the 7 largest business in the State of Maine with Chief Executive Officer (CEO) William (Bill) Webster (Retiring) end of this school year.

And,  this on completion of the new Mr. Robert Conner’s Pre K through K8 Elementary School in 2019 and possibly a new addition on too the Lewiston High School being the Performing Art´s  Wing.

It is estimated, that with combined facility teachers, Educational Education Technicians, child facilitators, cafeteria staffing, Medical staff, Security, Janitorial, Team sport coaches, bus facilitators, and Suppliers that make-up the Educational Industrial Complex as the Lewiston, Maine School’s which is know to be running separate and independent from the rest of the Lewiston, Maine Municipal City government it will far exceed most small businesses operational number’s in the State of Maine when completed in 2019.

Last, year in month of August 2017, Mr. William Webster, has already increased the Lewiston, Maine Municipal Budget by close to one (1) million dollars by adding 14 new position and a Nurse Practitioner at $90,000.00 a year salary that he added after the passage of the 2018 Fiscal Year Lewiston, Maine Budget.

And, this is not including the three (3) percent wage increase that teacher’s for Lewiston, Maine get on their average salaries of $43,000.00; for, each year they are with the Lewiston, Maine School System. With, a starting salary of over $34,000.00 dollars a year X multiplied by three (3) percent the second year they are with the system their pay is over $35 thousand dollars X 3 percent the second year is $36.050.00 for the second year they are with the system X times 3 % for the third year salary of 37,080.00 and with sick time and vacation time and medical.

And, in 2019 fiscal year Lewiston City budget too start in June 2018.   Lewiston, Maine, I expect will come in just over a $10,5 million increase to taxes on the Residents and Business’s of Lewiston, Maine.  I expect that in 2018 he will added over $1 million dollars as superintendent and add an on/or about 15 new teacher’s.

This, is not to dramatize the fact that they are not worth their salaries.  But, is only meant to show the value of good teachers that are in the class room 175 day a year do to you the Lewiston, Maine taxpaying public and Business’s of Lewiston, Maine.

Editor´s Note::

In, 2018-2019 school year the Lewiston, Maine School Committee had to reverse their discussion and ¨drop¨ the grade to graduate as 1/2 (half) the 2019 graduating class would not have graduated.



6 Feb

Maine panel ear marks closure of 4 Jail in the State of Maine due to lack of $11 million dollars and reshuffle’s the budget.

And, “ironically” gives Lewiston, Maine School District $10 million dollar increase to $61.7 million dollar’s over last year’s $52.6 million allotment.

Above figure is from the Lewiston Sun Journal Pictorial Newspaper which must have graduated from Lewiston High School as high school graduate’s 34 percent of class that can not read or do math at 12 levels and rated an “F”   rating from State of Maine on occasions.

Checking, the above math by the S/J Lewiston, Maine:  $61.7 million this year  –  $52.6 million last year.  Does not equal $10 million dollar increase to Lewiston, Maine.  But, rather an increase of  $9.1 million dollars.

Perhaps, this is to develop a program that will decrease the ” Lewiston, Maine Student Truincy Rate ” and help decrease the need for “Jails” ?




💯 – THE “CREATOR’S”; MAJORITY, IS ONE. Lewiston Sun Blocking Journal still blocking me out. Newlesspaper, all most “Orwellian, as they omit delete Candidate news.

8 Dec

Well, all the poker chips are in. Meaning, that the following Candidates for Mayor of Lewiston, Maine are as follow.

1. Mr.Charles Arthur Soule, Veteran of the Vietnam Era is a (R) and a ” NO ” on Consolidation. I have lived in Lewiston and Auburn, Maine all my live. Except, for Honorable service in the Military and attended Lewiston, Maine Schools and Auburn, Maine School’s (Do, to divorced parents.) and graduated from Edward Little High School in 1973 with many honors. I am going on 65 year’s old and have dedicated my life to serving Auburn, Maine and Lewiston, Maine.

2. Mr. Mark Cayer, (D) and “Yes” for Consolidation. Is, from away after living in Maine for part of his live. He has only lived in Lewiston, Maine for a short time after pursuing another way.

3. Mr.Benjamin Chin, (D) and a “Yes” for consolidation. Has only lived in Lewiston, Maine for 6 years and is from away.

4. Ms. Donna Gillespi, (D) and a “Yes” for consolidation. And, from away resident places like Adams, Ma., Lisbon Falls, Me. and Summerville, Massachusetts then Lewiston, Maine who has not submitted paper with names as yet.

5. Mr. Shane Bouchard, unknown and a “YES” for Consolidation. Live in Rumford, Dixfield and Auburn.

6. Mr. Ronald Potvin, unknown and a “NO” for Consolidation and has just in the recent moved to Lewiston, Maine.

I am the only Candidate from Auburn and Lewiston, Maine that has live in the cities full time and a product of Lewiston / Auburn, Maine. I also have a foot in the past of Lewiston and Auburn, Maine and with a foot in the present day Auburn and Lewiston, Maine. I understand how vital both cities heritage is to that city.

I have taken notice; that those from “away” (other communities) are more willing to “Kill” the history of our two cities as they “HAVE NO HISTORY”.

And, I am the Creators majority of “one”.

With, heart felt respect; Mr. Charles (Chuck) Dube – Soule.

I will not be running signs as the cost is prohibitive at $500.00 for 50 signs. Besides, the Mayor’s salary is only $4,200.00 a year there fore it would not be fiscally responsible. If U could make a sign; and, place it for me it would be appreciated.

Blast From the Past: SPEECH TO BE GIVEN: October 3, 2017 President Andrew Jefferson said that the future belongs to the living. And, I’m now old. But, still living !

29 Sep

Their are those that would say that consolidation is a good thing.   Like, Mr.Chip Morrison once head of the Greater Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce of Maine and his friend Lucien Gosselin once head of the Lewiston – Auburn, Maine Economic Growth Council . . . . . . . . . If, it was such a great idea then why did they not “Consolidate”, “Merge” or “Con” when they were in leading positions in their prospective organizations and cities ?

I have my thought on the matter but I am not here for that.

Some estimate the saving at $2.5 million dollars a year.  I estimate that the hidden cost that have not been tallied in; such, as the $50 thousand dollars given to the “Yes” side from the Governor, everyone having to renew their address on drivers licenses, new Birth Certificates (family), Maine road signage replacement and reprinting of businesses letter heads with Municipal stationary .  .  .  . get my drift.

I am not saying;  that,  the “NO” affirmative winning vote on ” Connects-it ” and the financial  restructuring of Lewiston, Maine finances is going to be easy.

I am saying that on the non consolidation of Auburn, Maine and Lewiston, Maine that we the living will retain our past, present and futures heritage’s.  And, that we will overcome ourt financial problems that face Lewiston, Maine with pride and frugal sound financial management and a return to a “NO Frill” financial policy of; and at taxpayer’s expense.

As your Mayor, if, elected on 7 November 2017.   I will be asking for;  should “Con”, “Consolidation”  or  “Merger” not pass.

  1.  Freezing on all increases to Lewiston, Maine budgetary spending  from both the Municipal and School sides of the budget for one ta two year’s.  (Reasoning: as to analyze and look at the greater financial picture.)

     This, will be difficult;  as,  some city purchase’s / hiring’s have          already been made this year that were not accounted for in the 2018 budget (add on after the passage of the 2018 budget) and they will have to be accounted for in the next budgetary process and this will affect the new 2019 budget of Lewiston, Maine, automatically.

  2. Lewiston, Maine has always been a rough and tumble city and produced a number of leader to get it through hard times.   Well, I can think of one individual right-of-the-top-of-my-head, me.

    As I have been knocked down so many time and picked myself up; so, often in running for Mayor of Lewiston, Maine.  That, I should have been in the fighting ring with Cassius Clay in Lewiston, Maine on 25 May 1965.


12 Sep

1. Insure all doors close properly. (Self closing?)

2. Can a better flourescent Compact light bulb be used? (They have a coil shape.)

3. Turn off equipment when not using. TV, Radio, Room lighting and computer’s.)

4. To hot in Summer close the Drapes as not to use up the air conditioning.

5. To heat open the drapes and let the sun in.

6. Still, to hot. But, not hot enough for air conditioning. Use a fan. (A slow fan can direct heat from a heat register (Baseboard, metal radiator to heat a cool spot in your home if use correctly.)

7. WARE HEAVY CLOTHING IF NEEDED. I, ware socks to bed.

8. Turn off faucets cold and hot will save money.

9. Check for leaking water fixtures. As, the pump may run continuously adding to the electric bill.

10. YOUR RIDGE. Think before opening as to what you want out of it.

11. DISHWASHER. They are said to use less energy than washing these days.

12. CARS. Think of the shortest route. Never, Idle your care for to long.
Can, you walk, run, bike or get a ride from someone going the same place as you?

13. RECYCLING. 5 cents bottle return equals more money to use for other purposes. Plastic bags reusable.

14. Seal windows if possible and cover in winter causes a weather barrier from cold air.

15. For people that are or have used air conditioning (A/C) please remember that you have cooled the studs and walls of your home or dwelling and now should be allowing your house to reheat by opening the windows shades on a warm day. The house will take sometime to reheat. And, September is an off-on-month as is October.

LOTS OF REWARDS COME FROM SAVING energy. For, saving energy helps save money for “ICE CREAM”.