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Israelis, celebrates 75 years as Nation; and an occupying force in Palestine. Send in the German and United States “TANKS” too Palestine Liberation Army.

28 Dec

  1.  Stop, buying into what the Jewish state of Zionist claims and look at what Israel has actually done.

2.  The maps tell the story of a nation eager to conquer lands which do not belong to it with the help of the  United States of America and Great Britain.  Israel has invaded virtually every nation it shares borders with.  Including, Syria and Lebanon and as the map’s show in it’s attempt to subjugate the Palestinian people, territories  and is ready to “ethnically cleanse” the region.  Far from being the poor victimized society desperately defending itself Israel likes to pretend it is in order to wrest more money from American’s.   Israel, is in fact the most militarily aggressive nation in the region; as shown, by it’s building on occupied Palestinian land’s.   To date, the United States and Israel have laughed in the face of the United Nation’s 1967 Security Council’s Peace Resolution’s and Accord’s; as, to Israel returning to it’s original Boarder’s of 1967.

3.  In this the United States of America Hebrew’s have since coming; manipulated their way as to financially seizing control of this American Nation’s business interest, government and Media.  And, it has accomplished this by paying off United States Senator’s and United States House Representative’s.   (Enron, Bear Stern’s Lending Company, Leman Brother’s, Bernie Madoff , Micheal Milken and Martha Stewart (felon; insider trading) just to mention a few.

And, that so Democratic – Israeli; owned,  President William Jefferson Clinton who was the biggest sell out of all.   As, he signed out of law the Glass-Steagll Act of 1933 that was put into place be President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933) after the first great depression to stop Banks from using mortgages as securities.   Thanks, Bill for the world wide collapse of 2008 -09.

4.  It reminds me of what Germany was suffering through in the 1930’s as the the Hebrews took control of the Germany economy.

5.  A New York State Rabbi stated, ” that the ruling Israel Political Party should in all counts be considered a Terrorist Organization “.


Number 5, was stated in an interview with Mr.William “Bill” Moyer on the Maine Public Broadcast System (MPBS) @

” If, I were to draw a map of Israel.   Would, I have to include the United States of America.” states,  Mr.Charles Arthur Soule’

Welcome, viewer’s from United Kingdom.  14 May 2018.