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26 Oct


Editor note and Vietnam Era Veteran:
Today, Vietnam is a joint military force and trading with the United States of America.   And is a vital, Military and Economic partner in the South China Sea area.  In regard to China’s intimidation of the area, it is my thought that Xi Jinping is an honorable leader and will use diplomacy to its fullest extent.

I help erect a wall on 20 September 2007; not a wall of division, such as the Berlin wall and it was not the metaphorical Iron Curtain; not a wall of partition of territories, such as walls going up between Israel and Palestine, not a wall of religious divide; as in other parts of the world; but, a wall of unity, forgiveness and togetherness in common service.

In erecting the Vietnam Memorial Wall  (replica) that was being displayed at the Veterans Memorial Park in Lewiston, Maine on 20 September 2007.

I had the pleasure to work with a detachment of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion personnel.  In them, I saw a generation of forgiveness and equal opportunity, male and female working side by side with equal pay; whites, blacks, and other cultures; side by side in friendship and arms; togetherness in work, play, and sorrow as we erected each panel of fallen service members.

To think, it took less than a generation to overcome some of our; prejudices and fear of our fellow American or have we?  Or, will we keep living the indignities of the past and passing this ill well onto our children?

Editor’s Note:

In conclusion; I will say, ” Is the laughter of the enemy’s children; so different from that of our children (s)?

Perhaps, when we go to war both sides should lessen to the laughter and crying of our enemy’s infant children.   And, realize that our enemy’s child/children’s laughter and crying are not so different than our own child’s/children.


18 Feb

I went stomping as if a child in a part of town that I once stomped as a youth due to family difficulties for a brief period of time.  

That, would be Little Canada, in Lewiston,Maine once the French quarter’s of the town of Lewiston, Maine in the 1930’s,1940’s 1950’s, through too the 1980’s. 

I lived with my sister at 146 Oxford St., 3 third floor in Lewiston, Maine while as student at Edward Little High School, Auburn, Heights Auburn, Maine and while being the 1972 and Class President, Student Senate President 1973, President of the Christian Youth Organization of Sacred Heart Parish in Auburn, Maine with being being a delegate to the “Dirago Boy State” in 1972.

I also remember watching the construction of the at time, new Edward Little High School in Auburn, Maine in the early 1960’s at the age of six or seven.

As, my sister’s and I were boarded out to a caring family of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bilodeau of Western Avenue in Auburn, Maine.   But, I digress as a person remembering would. At age sixty-five years old young.

As, I walked by the properties that I once knew in Little Canada the houses, homes and reality recently acquired by the City of Lewiston, Maine.   My chest began to swell almost to the point of a man with a thousand tears.

I realized that like these properties, houses and once homes slated for demolition.  I too am marching to a different drum beat now.   As my throat begins to swell and I feel the tears of a man with a thousand tears forming at the corners of my eye’s.

Change is hard on your remembrance of structural monolith’s to your life, your youth, your struggles and experiences as they “pass, out of existence” before your eyes. As if a long lost relative dyeing.

And, then the tears of a man with a 1000 tears begin to fall   .    .    .    .    .    .  .  .  .  .      ..