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SOULE 4:28:2018 Sermon and Message + Extra

28 Apr

This Sermon and Message has to do with our young impressionable children.

When, we have a baby.

That, baby is like a fresh new vinyl record, 8 track, cassette or Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) that has not been recorded on yet.

So, remember this as you go through life and introduce your child to your life.

As we would not want to scratch the new baby vinyl record, 8 track, cassette or digital versatile disc (DVD).

As, life has a way of putting a crackle ( =DQg9M_47c3A) and scratch on them without us the parents doing any damage also.


So, the Creator of all things was sad for he was lonely.

And, the Creator began to create the earth as if round from scratch.

Upon, seeing the earth his creation.   The Creator also created the Sun from a part of the Earth  (That is why the Earth is somewhat pear shaped) as to keep the Earth from being  alone as the Creator had been.

Upon, seeing the work that had been accomplished the Creator began to become saddened once again.

And, the creator standing began to cry as the earth was without form and life.

As his tear’s began to fall the earth began to change form this from the water from his tears.  And,  began to form the mountains, valleys and plains.  As his tear’s kept falling the water from his tear’s also created the rivers, streams and lakes.

After, all this the Creator was so pleased in seeing the Mountains, valleys and plains that had formed that the Creator being to start cry “again”.

But, this time his tears were of joy.   And, the tear’s of joy flowed so hard for so long that these tears created the Ocean’s of the Earth.

And, from the Ocean’s; came, all living things.


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